Strategy to help you

Tennis Technical

Strategy to help you

Excellent players do not only have the skills to master their skills, they are also knowledgeable about the tactics of tennis. Effective tactics help them solve any situation, adjusting circumstances so that they can win without too much effort.

Mastering the tactics, you will easily overwhelm the opponent and win

Facing the ball

When standing near the net to catch the net, many amateur players often face straight towards the ball (the two shoulders parallel to the net). You should only do so if the ball hits straight in front of you. In other cases, it should face to the ball.
Should be flexible to cope with the path of the ball
For example, when the ball is on the left side of your opponent, you should swing your shoulders lightly to the left to prepare the net. Turning your front should give you more angles, not be shocked when the ball is closer and the shaking force is stronger.

Where is the right place?

Even if you do not have powerful volleys, you can still be a netball player if you determine the direction the ball is leading.

If the opponent hits the ball towards you and the height of the ball on the net then you should score straight and neat towards the opposing net player facing you.

- If the ball of your racquet is lower than the net, then you should kneel, "knock" the ball deep towards the opponent deep down the bottom line.

- If both opponents are at the top of the grid, then "type" the ball into position between them. They will be embarrassed about who will catch the volley return this ball and so, the opponent's shot will be perfect and you have the opportunity to have a good next ball.

Do not miss the chance smash

When you sing, your bad smash can be countered by the opponent, at least it will take you to the hard end, then the end of that point. So in the ball really eat, you make a smash.

If you are in a favorable position to make a smash then aim towards the opponent standing closer to the net because he has less time to deal with. If you have to take a few steps to make a smash then aim at the middle of the opponent, the deeper the pitch as possible.

When you back up to prepare the smash, your play will also be backward. But both of you should be in a position ready to spill over the net. Because with a hard smash, the opponent can only do demi volley to put the ball through the net. If you are not prepared to attack, then you will miss a very regrettable point.

Pass the ball to the corner of the T

If you have the ability to constantly change the angle of service, the corner of the letter T to the corner of the letter A to be confused is too good. But if you have not done that then you should aim for the T corner to serve.
T-corner offers many advantages for tennis players
First, the net in the middle of the pitch is lower than the net at the edge of the court, your serve has a greater success rate.

Secondly, if you serve the ball in that corner, the opponent has fewer angles to ball, you can squeeze the net to complete the volley, your play can be deeper into the field to play. Now the net close to the net. If you pass the ball to the corner of the A, you can be fatigued with a very shallow fish bounce or your players will get tired of the opponent's line-up.

Go deep into the yard

If you are a serving servant, of course you have to stand up for the service from the finish line, and you will choose to return the ball to the serving opponent and not return the ball to the opposing net.

In contrast, the serving opponent will continue to hit the ball towards you and can not hit your players waiting on the net. In these doubles, the ball should be deep against the opponent. After each hit, move a step further into the yard to prepare the volley. However, this method is only suitable for your favorite ball hit, volley net.

Lob ball is also offensive

When you have a good lob, the ball goes to the back of the pitch or passes over the opponent's head in front of you. At this point, your friend standing upright does not have to step back and you can take a few steps closer to the service box.

When you make a short lob, not very good and the opponent can back down to make a good smash, you do not be too turbulent.
Tire ball is also an intelligent attack
When the opponent prepares a smash posture, you and your players are able to step back up to the finish line. Stand behind the back yard to prepare for this smash because you have another weapon to deal with, a demi volley.

If you stand in the back yard

If you are standing at the end of the field, remember two basic principles: high and deep in the corner, low in the middle.

When one of your opponents stands at the back of the court, the first rule is the goal, the type of opponent standing out the net and you yourself waiting for the opportunity to enter the pitch.

If both opponents are close to the net, then the second rule is: low ball in between them. This hit makes them hesitate, give way and miss the opportunity volley. If one of the two opponents has to "catch" the ball up in a difficult position then this is a good opportunity for your friend already.

Getting the net like a pro

There are two catching cases. One is that everything has been planned, which means that your players actively run out of your yard that is empty when you move to catch the catch.

Two is the opportunity to catch the net is not planned. In this case, you have to read the ball better, have to make better catches to your play time slot for you.

A little grasp

Double play does not take much physical effort but it requires subtlety and wisdom. Sometimes you have to make the "damage" to push opponents into difficult. For example, stamping the foot to give out a loud screeching of the upper body exaggerated to deceive the opponent.

When the opponent rotates to prepare the serve, you stand on the net can step step by step in the middle of a step to create a loud noise. If the opponent returns the ball to your players, you lose nothing. And if your opponent is fooled by the ball, then the chance of winning is up to you. However, do not do too much, as you will be blamed for lack of fair play.

Choose the right partner

To become a good double hit, there is no room for selfishness between the two. Ideally, choose the player you are compensated for. If you serve and pass the ball well then you should choose fast play and catch good net.

Always show optimism to help your psyche play excitement. If you lose points, then do not blame your play but let's find the right strategy.

With these basic tactics, hopefully the article will give you more "cool" way to gain confidence in the game. Good luck.

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